Thursday, August 20, 2015

Two under two

It's crazy. Chaotic and stressful and wonderful all at the same time. It's amazing how two tiny people literally take up every single second of my day! But I love them. 
That being said-Annabelle is 4 weeks old. It feels like she is much older then that already, but at the same time it's crazy to think she's 4 weeks. If that makes sense. She is the sweetest baby, now that we've figured out her tummy problems. Probiotic drops have saved our lives over here-we now are getting some sleep and she is much happier when she's awake. She's in the 95%+ for height, weight, and head circumference. She's in 3 month clothes and anything with feet attached on them she's almost out of too. She's our chunky dark baby and her eyes are looking like they may turn blue too like Thomas's. Baby girls are so much fun. She has way too many dresses and headbands and adorable blankets. Auntie Allison got her the blanket and red headband in this picture and I think they're my most favorite. She's definitely a spoiled little girl. 
I've had a really hard last two weeks with my body recovering-a few ER trips, mastitis, infections...I think the worst is over now so I'm hoping my body heals the way it's supposed to from this point on. I'm still breastfeeding even though I think about quitting daily after all of that. I'm SO grateful to be back in Utah. I literally could not have survived without the help of my mom. She's kept my little house and family running, food in our fridge and on our table, and saved me from a few melt downs (and also listened to a few). She's driven me to the doctor and watched the babies and I am just so so grateful to have such a wonderful mom. I hope I can be the same to my children. 

Adjusting to a new baby has been tough but we are making it work! Thomas loves his "issy" (sissy) so much. Maybe a little too much. Except when she cries. He's always been really sensitive to other kids when they get sad, so when she cries his eyes well up with tears and he gets the biggest saddest frown and cries too. It's adorable. He's slowly getting used to her, and also watching lots of TV these days. We need some play dates set up soon for his sake. He just seems so big these days. He's talking and saying all kinds of words, or trying at least. If he wants something he says "eeeeese" (please) over and over again until he gets it. He's starting to put words together, knows most of his letters, loves counting with mom and dad, and is most definitely hitting the terrible twos full force. He goes through multiple emotions in seconds, from sweet to sad to crazy to angry. 
He loves comparing his body to annies body, like his hair and hands and toes and especially noses. He runs to find her first thing in the morning, usually waking her up, laughs at all her grunts and sneezes and noises, if he hears her anywhere and she's not in the room he runs to find her, he loves trying to give her her binky, and he loves sharing lots of blankets with her. Like on her head and face. He doesn't love having to share mommy and daddy, he has become extra clingy to us and afraid we will leave him at grandma and grandpas houses, and he always wants to sit on my lap when I'm nursing. Which is quite a challenge. He's adjusted better then we thought and I am just so excited to see them hit the ages when they can play together. This mom of two thing is so hard but definitely worth it. JT gives me lots of breaks and pushes me out of the house sometimes. He's the best. Tomorrow he turns 26 and we can't wait to celebrate his birthday! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh good daddy!!

    I'm SOOOO glad you came back to us! I wish we were there for some play dates! Keep it up! You're superwoman!
