Friday, April 3, 2015

April Showers

It's been more rainy here lately. We've enjoyed the rain and all the green and flowers by spending a lot of time jumping in puddles. Thomas thoroughly soaked his shoes and feet the first time. Since then we make sure to have his boots on.

I've been trying to prepare for conference this week by listening to an old conference talk every morning when Thomas and I go for our walks. He sits extremely content in his stroller and it's made my exercise attempts much easier and more enjoyable. These two have been my favorites this week.
Jeffery R Holland 
As things with JTs job could be changing very soon and we are once again looking at the possibility of moving and a new job, after only three short months, this talk gave me comfort that I can't put into words. The story he tells near the end of his young family had me extremely emotional-and maybe crying a little on our walk. I probably looked a little crazy.
Gordon B Hinkley will always be a favorite prophet of mine. This talk is SO wonderful and touching for any woman to listen to. It's pretty long but worth the time! This was one of my favorite quotes: "It is the home which produces the nursery stock of new generations. I hope that you mothers will realize that when all is said and done, you have no more compelling responsibility, nor any laden with greater rewards, than the nurture you give your children in an environment of security, peace, companionship, love, and motivation to grow and do well." 
It's easy to forget how important the role of motherhood is. Days are repetitive, your whole life is run by tiny people with big attitudes, and finding time to shower and do anything for yourself is hard. Being away from our family and friends has made it even harder. I've learned more about being unselfish in the past year and a half then ever before in my life.   But there is nothing better than being a mom, getting hugs and kisses out of the blue, cuddles, tiny hands and feet, being with them for every first thing they do, and watching them learn and grow and soak in all the things you teach them. I am responsible for teaching my kids literally everything.  It's a daunting task. But nothing could compare to, or prepare me for, all of the big feelings I feel on a daily basis as a mom. 

These guys live at the end of our street. They are so stinky and kind of gross-but Thomas carries those carrots and runs to them as soon as we say lets go feed the cows. I had no idea their tongues were so long. 
Rainy day activities (thanks Amanda for the Pom Pom one!) also this train from my parents is quickly becoming his favorite toy!
No longer can I feed him or prevent the mess of his own utensil using. He is Mr. Independent all the way. See his booster there on our kitchen chair? Not long after he finished his yogurt, he decided to push back on the table with his feet and fall. All the way backwards. I've never seen a bigger scared face on him before. I wish I had a picture but taking one would have been mean. It was so sad, and very dramatic. The only thing that made it okay was some chocolate milk. Also-I'm pretty positive he is a lefty. Red hair and left handed, who would have thought. 
Finally some sunshine-and getting wiggles out at the park. He will be 18 months on Easter, next Sunday he will go to nursery, and in July he will be a big brother. I love my Thomas. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great thing to do Kel! And how in the world is he old enough to go to nursery...tell him to stop it!
